Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Fifth Sunday

This past Sunday we went to a gathering of the church in Aurora (by which I mean quite a few different local churches all coming together). They meet together on Sunday night whenever there are five Sundays in the month for worship, prayer, communion, and baptism.

It was a powerful night. I was blown away by the fact that these churches believe in the unity of the church so much that they save their baptisms so that they can do them with other churches in the area. But that is a good indicator of the spirit in the room on Sunday. Being there you didn't sense any competition or jealousy, just a true spirit of unity and joy that they could be together.

We are very blessed to be beginning Infuse in a place where this type of unity exists among many of the churches. A number of them have welcomed us with open arms. In fact, one of the pastors, Randy from Warehouse Church, said one of the things he and other pastors in Aurora have been praying for has been more workers for the work of planting seeds and harvest in Aurora. So when he heard about Infuse he was excited because it is one way that prayer is being answered--and thankfully there are quite a few other ways it is being answered right now too.

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