Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Exponential: Andy Stanley

Apostolic Vision
Andy Stanley
  • Vision is a mental picture of what could be, fueled by a passion for what should be.
  • A vision begins as a burden
  • Our vision has to be clear to people so they know how to follow us.
  • A vision needs to be portable.
  • Leaders often know so much about their vision that they expect everyone else to know just as much.
  • Barak Obama is winning because he's the only candidate who's vision we know. "Change." We may not even know what that means, but at least we know something.
  • Cast your vision convincingly. Define the problem your vision addresses, state the solution, and explain why and why now.
  • What would go undone if we ceased to exist?
  • Repeat the vision regularly.
  • Celebrate systematically.
  • Embrace it personally.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What would be left undone, if I were no longer here? That's a really tough question. As I read those words, I began to wonder and question and search. What would be left undone? A dangerously small amount of things I'm afraid. Thanks for your leadership Trevor. You are a blessing to me.