We believe that God is very involved in our lives individually and in the world as a whole. The biblical call for us to bring our requests before him is a very real invitation to impact what happens in the world. We don't manipulate God, but just as any parent responds to the requests of their children, God responds to the requests we make of him. There are times when God cannot give us what we ask for because we ask for something that is bad for us and bad for his kingdom, but when we ask in line with his will, we believe he answers our prayers. One way to know we're in line with his will is to pray the things that are instructed in the Bible. One of these is very appropriate for Infuse right now, and we'd like you to pray this with us.
Luke 10:2 says,
He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."
This is an important prayer for all God's people, and we feel it is especially important for Infuse right now. As we approach ministry as missionaries, we will make a much greater impact for each person who pursues this mission with us. So we're asking that you would begin praying with us that God would send us more workers who resonate with the vision of Infuse and want to reach out to those who are far from God.
One suggestion (made by Neil Cole, the leader of Church Multiplication Associates) for remembering to pray this each day is to pray at 10:02 (since the passage is from Luke 10:2). Whether you pray at a certain time each day or not, we ask that you would begin to earnestly ask God to send more workers to us for his glory and the advance of his kingdom!
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