Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday Thoughts: Holy Week

We had very meaningful times together on Good Friday and Easter. One of the things we spent significant time discussing was the extent to which we grasp our need for a Savior. Like the criminal who hung on a cross next to Jesus, we need to accept our sinfulness and call on the only one who can forgive us. The point of this is not to live in a perpetual state of guilt over our sin (this wouldn't reflect the forgiveness of God very well) but to remember that we have been saved by Jesus, not ourselves. This week was a good time to be reminded of that.

One other thing we discussed came out of John 20:21--Jesus said to his disciples that he was sending them as the Father had sent him. Given the context of his suffering and resurrection, he is sending them (and us) to suffer and sacrifice for the sake of others. That's a hard one to swallow, and one that I think we'll be trying to live out our whole lives.

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