Monday, June 4, 2007

June Is a Key Month

I was able to spend some extended time in prayer for Infuse over the weekend, and I realized that June is a really key month for the development of this network. Trevor and I have decided to fast one meal a week throughout this month, and I'd love to have you do the same if you feel led.

We're going to fast every Wednesday's lunch in June, starting this Wednesday, June 6. This will help protect and prepare us, and we want to be plugged into, and at the center of, what God wants for us and this ministry.

Whether you decide to join us or not, I do ask that you pray with us on these key requests:

--That we'd be protected from Satan during this time. Temptations and low points are probably imminent as we're embarking on something that pulls us into territory that Satan does not want us to go.

--Affordable housing in Aurora for Trevor and Michelle. Please pray that opportunities will arise soon, and something could be nailed down in June to prepare the way for them to move to Aurora in July.

--A job for Trevor that integrates well with his schedule and doesn't take too much time away from his family and the development of Infuse.

--Paperwork and processes. Trevor has made great progress with articles of incorporation, website, logo, budget, fundraising and support, but much of this is tedious.

--Support. Trevor has the opportunity to preach and talk about this ministry, meet with churches, and share our vision alot in June. Please pray that God will provide what is needed.

--Excitement and anticipation. We want to stay positive and have a soft heart for people that need to hear about Jesus. Pray that we don't get so bogged down into the details that we forget about loving people.

Thanks for your support and friendship! We couldn't do this without a strong network of other people.

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