Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Longing Begins

Last weekend Michelle and I were able to travel to Aurora together for the first time. We left the kids in Huntington (with someone, don't worry) so we got to go on an actual date Friday to celebrate Michelle's birthday. That time along with the time in the car each way was great for us. We were able to share with each other what we're feeling about our transition to church planting and moving to a new place on a deeper level than we've been able to in weeks.

There were a few other great things that came out of the weekend.

1) Cory and Megan spent their entire Saturday showing us around Aurora and Batavia. This was great for Michelle and I because now as we look for jobs and places to live we have a reference point for where things are. We disagree already on where we want to live, but I'm sure it will work out in time.

2) We were able to have lunch with a couple named Brian and Sarah on Saturday. They are thinking along the same lines we are in regard to church and the kingdom of God, so it was great to talk with them about that. They are also really fun people and we had a great time getting to know them. We're excited to spend more time with them in the future.

3) Eli Steenlage, a friend who I met in Denver, made a logo for us. I don't have the jpg yet, but I'll put it up when I get it. He's very talented and I'm excited about it.

4) Cory's current church (Ginger Creek) is partnering with another church in Aurora (Family and Faith) to make an impact on the city of Aurora. The pastor of that church spoke and Ginger Creek Sunday and he was amazing. His message was very prophetic and really challenged me. If you have time check out the podcast from the link above.

5) We got to spend some great time with Cory and Megan. We are so looking forward to living near them and engaging in the mission of Christ with them!

So those are some highlights. We both came away from the weekend more antsy than ever to get there. We pray that God provides in a way that allows us to do that soon.


Ryan 1 said...

Yeah, I feel bad for you living in H-town, even if it's very finite. Also, did you get to see Eli? Because if you did/do I will be supremely jealous in ways that rival all of your Denver jealousies.

Trevor said...

We saw him. I'm not even joking.

esteenlage said...

They did see me. And I was awsome.