Thursday, February 15, 2007

Let's Talk About the Emerging Church...

...and we can start by discussing your thoughts on this Christianity Today article.

Five Streams of the Emerging Church
Key elements of the most controversial and misunderstood movement in the church today.
by Scot McKnight


Trevor said...

I think it's interesting that he makes missional a subpoint of one of his points. This is certainly not the way I see it fitting (see the post right before this one) but overall I would place myself much in line with the characteristics he outlines.

Anonymous said...

I just skimmed but will still comment. Is that allowed?
Hirsch has a comment I love..."You have to love something before you have a right to criticize it."
So, I think that gives me a right to a bit of criticism. I love the founders and spokespersons of this thing called Emerging church, but after being immersed in an emerging church for a couple years I'm not really convinced that at the end of the day its not primariliy about rearranging chairs and lighting candles and being "relevant". The form and function still looks the same to me as it always has.
I'm not convinced that it's a discipleship movement. Which at this time I'm feeling authentic Jesus movements are discipleship movements. And from what i observe (and I'm sure my perspective is skewed by the specific churches I've observed) emerging church is still concerned about doing church differently or better. It's still consumeristic and I'm thinking true emergence will be anti-consumeristic.