Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Goal of Serving Your Community

About a year ago I was really struggling. Someone I respected told me that the at-risk tutoring/mentoring ministry I led wasn't really effective unless it brought people into the church, or at least that's the way I understood it. I'm not sure he meant it quite as bluntly, but that's how I took it.

So, the time that we spent serving a need in that low income area, developing relationships with the families and students, and being the hands and feet of Jesus was a waste?

I think wanting to bring people into our church is a good goal, but as we know the "church" isn't necessarily a place many in our culture feel comfortable. I also think that finding ways we can interact with our culture and build relationships is a good and holy goal. I want to do so without feeling a sense of manipulation....that I want something from the people I'm serving. Is this just leaving them off the hook? Or enabling them to take advantage of you?

I still struggle with this, but a recent article I read from Relevant magazine gave me some hope.

Socks and Cigarettes
by Tim Berroth

1 comment:

Trevor said...

I love the balance he portrays between caring for people just because we should as kingdom people but also hoping and praying for their reconciliation with God. The church has spent too much time neglecting one or the other of these but I don't believe that we are the faithful people of God if we are neglecting either.