(Below is my update letter I sent this week about Infuse. We ask for your prayers.)
In college my closest group of friends often talked about serving in ministry together, but it was more of an unrealistic dream than something that would ever come to fruition.
For these seven years since graduation, I’ve worked at Christianity Today International. I get to help create resources that equip churches and their leaders, and I’ve grown more in love with the church and convinced that it is the hope of the world.
Lately, through my professional and volunteer church work, God has shown me that one of my unique gifts is apostleship. Apostles are entrepreneurial and often seen using their gifts on new frontiers of ministry like church planting or creating new ministries.
With this in mind, I want to share with you some exciting news in my life.
On July 27, one of my best friends from college, Trevor Lee, and his family will move from Denver to Aurora, Illinois to follow a call God has grown in us—the call to be missionaries to our own culture. We’ve chosen Aurora because of its diversity and its great needs, and Trevor has seen the passion and commitment I’ve developed for this city over the last several years I’ve lived here.
Statistics show that people are detaching from church and becoming increasingly unfamiliar with what it means to be a Christian. You’ll probably notice this just in your circle of influence. I’ve noticed this as more people my age stop being part of a church or never show an interest.
We’re starting a church called Infuse. We want to take time to develop relationships and to understand how to reach those who have had little or no contact with the church. We’ll simply serve and love people more intentionally throughout Aurora.
Infuse is a non-traditional church plant, based on an organic model that is gaining momentum in the States. Practically, it looks like going to a new country to be missionaries. This means taking the time to really listen to people, gain an understanding of what the Church would look like for them, and empower them to live out faith in Christ within their cultural setting. We don’t expect quick, tangible results because we know that relationship-building takes time.
We cannot fulfill God’s call on our lives without the support of our friends and family. We’re looking for partners in this missional church plant, and I thought it was important you know what we’re doing so you could pray with us in these beginning stages.
Because we are starting with a small group and pursuing a model that will take time to make an impact, we will also need financial support to make this work. If you feel led to support us financially in this start-up ministry, you can fill out the card below and mail it in the envelope provided or sign up for electronic funds transfer at www.InfuseChurch.com under “Support.” If you are willing to pray for us, please also let us know on the card so that we can keep you updated on what is happening.
I love talking about what we’re doing so please ask me questions. Attached is an FAQ page that provides more detailed information. We’re excited about this new spiritual journey and look forward to you being a part of it with us.
Trusting in Him,
Cory Whitehead
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