I came across this book by Jim Peterson by accident. I was looking for McLaren's book on the church at the library and this one was nearby. The title caught my interest so I decided to skim it. I liked it so well I bought it and now I'm rereading it. I can't recommend it highly enough. It contains the best explanation of where we are, how we got here, and where we need to go from here that I've seen. There are a couple sections that get a little slow, but it's worth pushing through them.
One of the things I like most about this book is the brief review of church history. He admits that he is omitting many things and only including things that will help to show how the Western church has come to where it is today. He does an excellent job of showing what a number of Church Fathers contributed to the church while at the same time being bold enough to show how some of their major foci have had negative consequences.
This has become my #1 recommendation on the missional church along with The Forgotten Ways.
Thought I would make a book recommendation that has been challenging and growing my understanding of Christian community lately. Maybe you know about it but it is Shane Clayborne's "Irresistable Revolution." It contains a lot of things that I have been thinking about and wanting to action on but didn't know how they could look. Anyway, it gives some practical views of how we could live more like the early church.
I'm trying to learn how to live more simply and show more love and hospitality. Most of the time I am too much of a chicken to step out and live that way but this book has helped me move a little closer to action. Check it out!
I haven't read it yet but have heard lots of good things about it. Living more simply truly is a challenge in our culture.
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