Thursday, August 7, 2008

WCLS (Willow Creek Leadership Summit): Bill Hybles

Much of the task of leadership is making decisions.
Part of what leaders must do is make tough decisions--it is not for the faint of heart.

4 Common decision making questions for Christian Leaders
1. Does the Bible speak to it?
2. What would smart advisors say?
3. What does PGE teach you? (Past Pain, Past Gains, Experiences)
4. Is the Holy Spirit prompting me?

Make trial decisions and see if they lead to peace or turmoil within.
If a decision turns out well, thank everyone who played a part in it. If it turns out poorly, blame only yourself.

Leadership Axioms: Short sayings that guide decision making and come from a synthesis of learning from the four questions above.

Some Leadership Axioms
  • The best way to get rid of an enemy is to turn him into a friend. (Abraham Lincoln)
  • Create movement for movement's sake.
  • Promote a clash of ideas. (Colin Powell)
  • Vision leaks. (Hybles)
  • Get the right people around the table. (Hybles)
  • Facts are your friends. (Hybles)
  • When something feels funky, engage. (Hybles)

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