Thursday, November 1, 2007

Michelle's Thoughts on the First Three Months in Aurora

Moving to Aurora was one of the hardest steps of faith I have taken in my life. We are in a place where we hardly know anyone and we do not have the community of faith we have had virtually our whole lives. It has been a hard move for our family both relationally and financially. It is hard to meet people when you are a stay at home mom with two small children and you are not attending a traditional church. This has been a struggle in a lot of ways, but also a blessing as we are realizing what it takes to be misssional. If we had stayed in Denver our established friendships might have hindered us since we wouldn't feel the same urgency to meet people. I am desperate to meet other moms so I have created two moms groups in order to develop some life-long friendships as well as minister to people.

My first group is a playgroup on Wednesday mornings, we have around 5 moms that attend and we let our children play and we talk. Isaiah and Ayla love it because they have friends to come over again, and I love to be able to be with other moms. The women are each unique and a gift. This past meeting I felt so encouraged as there were some beginning discussions about church and life. I am already learning tons about the women and look forward to serving them. I also recently started a moms' night out group that is purely to really converse with other moms. Our first meeting is this week and I am very excited to see how God uses this as well! Thinking about my groups, it is a real eye opener how people are yearning for
relationships. People truly need people, that is how God has created us. These two groups are not "it" in terms of being missional. We are missionaries. We are trying to meet people wherever we go (Starbucks, scrapbooking, grocery stores, etc.) and changing our mindset to be open to how God might use us. It is a challenge in many ways to be here, especially being away from the deep relationships we had in Denver, but also good since it forces us to be our in our world, loving people as He does.


Anonymous said...

Your experiences in Denver are leading you to reach out in ways that met your needs as a young mom. What a great progression and I am praying daily for encouragement and purpose in each of your groups. May you soon find new and meaningful friends in Aurora. Love, Twyla

Anonymous said...

It is good to hear your honesty about this move. I'm encouraged by your perspective on ministry--meeting people at starbucks,the grocery store--there's nothing easy about it. I thank God that he gives us everything we need and teaches us to depend on him (not even our families) along the way. Your Chicago-neighbor, Tami

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your honest vulnerability, Michelle! Moves are always hard...add in the limitations of small kids and not really having a traditional church to connect with...I can imagine it IS tough! Thinking of you. Love, Molly