Monday, April 16, 2007

God's Goodness in Pain

Coming to Denver from Indiana five years ago was tough for us. When we left we all had to drive separate cars, and when we made our first stop I got out and saw Michelle's eyes stained with tears. She said she had cried for the first two hours of our trip. We both had a hard time leaving our families. We assumed we'd be in Denver for three years and then move back nearer home.

Now, five years later, we are taking the step we thought would be a relief--we're moving back to the Midwest. We are very excited for what lies ahead of us, but it is very difficult too. One of the prayers we prayed when we came here was that God would give us good friends, and I know Michelle prayed for that especially hard. We have seen God answer those prayers beyond what we could have imagined.

Now, when Michelle thinks about leaving, she is moved to tears in the same way she was when we came. If I stop and think about our move in the midst of the busyness I also have a hard time thinking about the people we're leaving.

It's this pain that has been my greatest reminder of God's goodness in the last few days. First, that God would create us with an ability to relate to others in a way that leaving them would be painful. I praise Him for that. And the fact that he has made this place that is so far from home become our home, that could not have happened without His hand, and I praise Him for that. So our pain is our reminder of the goodness of our God. It is this goodness we throw ourselves on as we move to the next chapter in our lives.


Alice Robbins said...

Your pain is proof of your love to those whom you have so wonderfully served! Thank you for your investment in the lives of Denver's young adults! Thank you for your friendship. As you start this new chapter, keep Him close to you! I look forward to hearing how God will bless this next group of people!
Much love to you both,

Kristen said...

wish I could have been there to "say goodbye"! I'm very excited for you both, to be able to serve somewhere closer to home. I understand how hard it is to leave, you have been a huge blessing to the people of SGC, to the young adults - who needed someone to step in and give them a place in the church. Keep in touch! Thanks for your friendship!

GreekGeek said...

I can attest to the fact that your family has been much loved in Denver, and will be sorely missed. I wish I could have been there for your farewell party, but I guess I can speak from the other side of leaving that God is indeed faithful to provide the community and friends we need, even if not necessarily on the time schedule we'd like and imagine. But I will be praying that God goes before you and smooths this transition into the place he is so clearly leading. love you guys!

Anonymous said...

I thought about and prayed for you guys today. I've been out of town the last 2 weekends and wish I could have had one last Caribou beverage in your good company. Keep us posted!
love you guys