Monday, January 21, 2008

Shaping Community

Last night my wife threw me a surprise 30th birthday party with the other people of Infuse. We had a great time playing games, sharing a fun meal (four courses, matching four different life stages!), and getting to know each other better. As I sat there enjoying our time and laughing as people shared some of the crazy things they did growing up, it gave me a wonderful picture of what will be as people who are not Christians make their way into our community. I could picutre people there with us enjoying themselves and feeling connected to this developing community of people who want to serve God. That was exciting to me!

One of the things Michelle and I have been talking about quite a bit it what it looks like to share life as a community. Instead of seeing ourselves as a group that gets together once a week, we want to grow into a people who share life throughout the week. Times like last night help us to grow together and make that more possible.